Silver Jubilee Celebrations (26th Foundation
Day) for Omkarananda Institute of Management & Technology
(OIMT), in Omkarananda Nagar, Muni-ki-reti, via Rishikesh,
from 7th September 2024 to 15th September 2024

Here one can see the beautiful Main Gate of
Omkarananda Institute of Management & Technology (OIMT), on 7th
September 2024. By the Grace of His Divinity Shri Paramahamsa
Omkarananda Saraswati, Who had founded this prestigious Institute,
on 7th September 1999, OIMT completed successfully 25 years, on
7th September 2024.

H.H. Mahant Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda
Saraswati, President, Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, and Kumari
Somashekhari, General Secretary, Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas and
Indian Classical Dancer and Musician, were guided by honourable
Director, OIMT, to a beautiful tent on the campus of OIMT, where
the Silver Jubilee Celebrations for OIMT were started with a grand
Yajna, on 7th September 2024.

Inside the tent, near the Yajna Shala,
already some OIMT B.Ed Students, in their beautiful Sari Uniform,
and behind them, several OIMT Faculty Members and a few OIMT
Management Studies Students, were waiting.

Two important Priests of Omkarananda Ashram
Himalayas had established a nice Altar with Sadgurudev His
Divinity Shri Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati's photo, a holy
Kalasha, Deepas and a Yajna Shala. In the background stand two
bright OIMT Students, who welcome everybody and announce the
further program.

Dignitaries and OIMT Students watch the
powerful Yajna, conducted in Honour of Sadgurudev His Divinity
Shri Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati, for the welfare of OIMT,
its wonderful Students, Faculty Members and Director and also for
the welfare of the whole Cosmos.

Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Saraswati
offers the Purnahuti.

Swami Ji shows the Light of the Arati to

Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Ji had been
requested to bless all with his very inspiring, divine words.

Guru-Bhakti-Ratna Kumari
Somashekhari, with her brilliant Hindi language, spoke about the
Greatness of the incomparable Sage, Mystic, Philosopher, Genius
and Writer, Shri Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati.

The Silver Jubilee Celebrations for OIMT
lasted for nine days. After the divine start, with a powerful
Yajna, on 7th September 2024, every day, till 15th September 2024,
academic, cultural and other important programs were conducted.
Here one can see a nice banner, announcing Swami Vishveshwarananda
as Chief Guest and Kumari Somashekhari as Guest of Honour for a
special Prize Distribution Ceremony.

On 13th September 2025 OIMT Director, Dr.
Praveen Kumar Rathi, welcomed Mahant Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda
Saraswati, President, Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, with a rose
flower bouquet, in the beautiful Seminar Hall of OIMT.

Kumari Somashekhari, too, received a nice
flower bouquet from the hands of Dr. Praveen Kumar Rathi.

Students, along with some of their
teachers, from many different schools in Rishikesh and nearby
areas, had assembled in the OIMT Seminar Hall. They all had
participated in different competitions during the OIMT Jubilee
Celebrations, and the winners were waiting to receive their

An OIMT B.Ed. Student performed a Ganesha
Vandana Dance.

Director, OIMT, Dr. Praveen Kumar Rathi,
thanked all school students, who had participated in the various
competitions, organized by OIMT, and he congratulated the winners.

Small school kids from a school in
Rishikesh performed a devotional dance.

People in the audience are watching the
lively dance of the small school children.

To one of the winning students of the
various competitions, Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Ji presents a
Certificate, issued by OIMT, and Kumari Somashekhari awards the
winner with a Medal.

Many more Participants, who successfully
had taken part in the Competitions, received their Certificates
and a beautiful Trophy.

Trophies, Medals and Certificates are
waiting for the winners of the OIMT Silver Jubilee Competitions.

Mahant Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda
Saraswati thanked everybody, and he said, that even those, who did
not win this time, should not be disheartened, since participation
is more important than winning.

Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Ji got a lot
of applause from the audience.

Kumari Somashekhari also thanked all the
students of various schools in Rishikesh and its environment, for
coming to OIMT and taking part in various competitions. She
emphasized, that all the students, who came to the beautiful
campus of OIMT, are blessed, because this area is a holy,
protected area, being surrounded with divine vibrations, because
of its Founder President, the great Sage and Mystic, Shri
Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati.

Vote of Thanks by Honourable Director,
OIMT, Shri Praveen Kumar Rathi. He specially thanked all, who made
this program joyous and successful.

A cute small participant in the OIMT
Competitions took her Certificate and Trophy from the blessed
hands of Kumari Somashekhari. Mr. Vishnu and Dr. Rai, two Members
of OIMT Management Committee, are smiling at the happy girl.

On 15th September 2024 was the concluding
Day of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations for Omkarananda Institute
of Management & Technology (OIMT), to which high-class Luminaries
in the Academic field had been specially invited from different
Universities. H.H. Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Saraswati and Dr.
Praveen Kumar Rathi, Director, OIMT, are escorting the Chief
Guest, Honourable Vice-Chancellor of Uttarakhand Technical
University, Dehradun, Prof. Onkar Singh, to the OIMT Seminar Hall.

Traditional Welcome by OIMT B.Ed Students
at the entrance of the OIMT Seminar Hall.

Lighting of Deepas by the Honourable
Vice-Chancellor of Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, and
H. H. Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda.

H.H. Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda
Saraswati, President, Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, was heartily
welcomed by Dr. Praveen Kumar Rathi, Director, OIMT, with a flower

The Director, OIMT, specially welcomes the
Chief Guest of this Function, the Honourable Vice-Chancellor,
Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, Prof. Dr. Onkar Singh.

Two OIMT Faculty Members welcome all to the
National Seminar on "Understanding NEP (New Education Policy)
2020: Issues and Challenges".

Welcome Speech by Dr. Praveen Kumar Rathi,
Director, OIMT, Rishikesh.

Address by Chairperson, Prof. Rama
Maikhuri, Dean, School of Education, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna
Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal), Uttarakhand (A Central
University). In her speech she nicely emphasized the importance of
regular, actual attendance of the Students during Lecture time,
which is of great benefit to the Students and their progress.

Kumari Somashekhari also joined this
important National Seminar and was welcomed at the Dais with a
flower bouquet.

Address by Guest of Honour, Prof. V.K.
Singh, Professor, Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Gurukul
Kangri Deemed to be University, Haridwar, Uttarakhand.

One of the highlights of this National
Seminar in OIMT was the thought provoking speech by Chief Guest,
Prof. Onkar Singh, Honourable Vice-Chancellor, Uttarakhand
Technical University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, about the subject:
"Understanding NEP-2020: Issues and Challenges."

Prof. Onkar Singh is a highly scholarly
person, with a vast knowledge and a lot of experience. He is
regularly invited to give his valuable lectures in many important
Indian and Foreign Universities. His practical view, keeping in
mind the real benefits for the Students, whose process of learning
should not only be confined to New Education Policies, but
transcend them, if required, was very much appreciated by all.

The people in the audience were very
carefully listening to the excellent speech of Prof. Onkar Singh.

In his presidential Address H.H. Mahant
Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Saraswati, President, Omkarananda
Ashram Himalayas, strongly emphasized, that mere education without
imparting to the Students moral and spiritual values, Character
Education and a deep Awareness of the omnipresent, all-knowing,
all-loving Divine, is totally useless and even can become
dangerous. Swami Ji talked with such an inner divine force,
radiance and intensity, that his words made a deep impact in the
hearts of all present.

Finally Kumari Somashekhari, General
Secretary, Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, and Indian Classical
Dancer and Singer, was requested to speak. She heartily thanked
Swami Ji and all the great Professors, for giving their very
valuable advice to all.

Chief Guest of this wonderful Seminar in
OIMT, Honourable Vice-Chancellor, UTU, Dehradun, Prof. Onkar
Singh, was honoured with a shawl and a memento by H.H. Shri Swami
Vishveshwarananda Saraswati.

The function completed with the National

The honourable Vice-Chancellor is ready to
proceed to the nearby Headquarters of Omkarananda Ashram

The official car of the Honourable
Vice-Chancellor of Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, is
parked in the beautiful Temple area of the Headquarters of
Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas.

After short refreshments in the Ashram
reception, Kumari Somashekhari gifted the inspiring book "Who
is a Guru ?" by Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati, to the
honourable Vice-Chancellor, Shri Onkar Singh.

Professor Rama Maikhuri, Dean, School of
Education, HNBG University, Sri Nagar Garhwal, also happily
received a copy of the same book.