
Thought for the Day:


Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati



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The spiritual aspirant does not judge others, he does not criticize others, he has no time for any of those activities. He is absorbed in his divine work and his heart is inwardly occupied with the Presence of the Divine.

His view is different from the view of the people. The spirit that ensouls his whole lifestyle and its expression is totally different from the spirit that usually ensouls the people.

His attitude to food is not as an object of sense pleasure, but as a medicine to be taken in order to keep the body sustained and in good health.

There is no pleasure object for him in the sense-world. His joy, his pleasure, his happiness lie in his wonderful divine thoughts and feelings and contact with God.

His mind is constantly turning back to God, maybe with the help of the Mantra, or maybe with the help of the inner constant reflection upon the Nature of the Divine.

He has a great Heart, which says: "Let me work hard and let hundreds enjoy the good results of my work."

Paramahamsa  Omkarananda  Saraswati

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