Bhajan, Kirtan, Blessings by Mahant Shri
Swami Vishveshwarananda Saraswati, President Omkarananda Ashram
Himalayas, and Sadhu Bhandara, in Honour of Shri Paramahamsa
Omkarananda Saraswati, at Omkarananda-Kamakshi-Devi Mandir,
on 29th December 2021
A Devotee felt inspired to dance
to the beautiful tunes of Bhajans, performed in the Mandapa of the
Omkarananda-Kamakshi-Devi Mandir.
Since Omkarananda Ashram
Himalayas is a Sannyasa Ashram, it is only natural, that Sannyasis
and Sadhus are given special importance on great Festivals like
Omkarananda Mahotsava. There was pin-drop silence among the holy
men, when Mahant Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Saraswati, President
Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, addressed them. Swamiji's speech was
translated on the spot by Kumari Somashekhari.
Mahant Shri Swami
Vishveshwarananda Saraswati expressed his heartfelt and deep
Adorations and Reverence to the Assembly of Saints. He emphasized,
how great and rare a life of Sannyasa, a life of true
Renunciation, is. The life of a Sannyasi is the most blessed life.
It is a great Joy and Blessing to be in the company of Saints, and
all real Sannyasis are God-like and worthy to be worshipped,
Swamiji said. Swami Vishveshwaranandaji again and again
emphasized, that a life, which is not intensively used for making
spiritual progress in order to attain Spiritual Liberation, final
Liberation from the vicious cycle of birth and death, is simply in
vain and wasted. All the Saints and Sadhus very much liked and
appreciated Swami Vishveshwaranandaji's divine words. Kumari
Somashekhari exactly translated each of Swamiji's precious words
into Hindi.
During the special Bhandara,
arranged for all Sadhus near the Omkarananda-Kamakshi-Devi Mandir,
Shri Swami Satchidananda Saraswati, Treasurer Omkarananda Ashram
Himalayas, distributed Dakshina and warm blankets.
After Satsang and Sadhu Bhandara
in Honour of Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati, the Sadhus
proceeded happily and satisfied to their respective places.