Prayer - The Key to Blessedness
By H.D. Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati
Prayer is supplication or the admission of human
weakness and limitations and an earnest yearning of the
heart for God. Prayer denotes confession of man's
inferiority and powerlessness before the transcendent
Divinity and a desire for attuning himself to It. It is
reliance upon the Divinity and an offering of the heart to
God. Prayer is the expression of the aspiration of the
human being to become pure, perfect and God-like. Exposing
the heart to the sunny rays of the Lord is prayer. To stop
the mind from roaming, to silence the turbulent senses and
to focus the feelings on God is prayer.
The blind, deaf, lame, armless, puny, ignorant,
debased, the lowliest and the forlorn, all can pray to
God, for, prayer belongs to the heart and its feeling, and
not to the body. To think of God always is the best
prayer, which crowns the human being in the Kingdom of
Prayer is a universal necessity; one day or other you
will be made to pray, for, thereby you obtain the Key to
Blessedness. Just as food is necessary for the body, so
also the Bread of Prayer is necessary for the Soul. Prayer
is help to the helpless, strength to the weak and eyes to
the blind!
Prayer grinds the flint of egoism, breaks the walls of
pride and consumes the fire of selfishness. It opens the
third eye or the eye of wisdom, the real eye - intuition.
Develop this "eye of intuition" through prayer and see
the Majestic Lord sporting in every being and pulsating in
every vein of the contents of the universe. Wherever you
turn this "eye", you see nothing but God - the
transcendent Divinity! By prayer you dwell in the Lord who
is all-happiness and sweeter than the sweetest.
Prayer elevates the soul and attunes it to the Lord,
the Supreme King of kings. It awakens you to the awareness
of God in the heart. It dispels ignorance and dries up the
ocean of Samsara (or straying away from the Truth). It
raises the human consciousness to the Divine consciousness
by shattering the limits of human nature. It cleanses the
mind and removes all snares. It is an antidote for all
diseases, a panacea for all maladies and a cure for all
Blessed children of God! Therefore, come, open your
heart by the key of faith and devotion, so that the
Infinite God may enter in and shine there! Renounce your
petty things of the world which have captured all your
attention, those evanescent things to which you cling
blindly; for God shall give you all, the Whole, and make
you the King of kings, the supreme One, above whom there
is nothing.
Through prayer empty your heart, and God shall fill it
with His Consciousness-Delight, and you shall be all-full.
Be steadfast in your prayer. God listens to and answers
all your prayers. Would you not like to make your life, a
life of prayer and be supremely blessed? Then, arise now,
and pray.