The Light That Lighteth Everywhere
By H.D. Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati
There is One Supreme Light which ever burns steadily and
surely, and that Light Eternal is God who lighteth every
soul and all that is.
Cherishing universal love, dedicating yourselves to
selfless service of mankind, guarding your minds against
all evils and sins and abiding in holy thoughts, you shall
now behold the Grand Majesty of the Lord of Light and be
blessed to live a life of holiness, blessedness, happiness
and prosperity in this world of sin, wretchedness, misery
and paucity.
Entirely neglect the past; forget it once for all; be not
anxious for the future and anticipate nothing temporal in
the time to come. But purify your mind now by holy and
pure thoughts of an unperturbed, calm and sacred life;
for, your path will be lighted up and you shall live a
peaceful, successful, harmonious life of perfection among
the imperfections and disorders of to-day. Character is
everything: so, by adhering to the universal moral
principles and by shaping your lives in accordance with
the laws of the spiritual verities, possess a stainless
character in order to lead an exalted and ideal life of
purity and goodness, truth and light.
Let not callousness and want of feelings reign in your
heart: sympathise with all; for, sympathy is a holy virtue
which will reveal to you the One Light and Life existing
in all men and creation. Compassion and universal love
will land you in the kingdom of radiance and illumination.
A life of sagacious humility and sincere prayer will crown
you with Divine Grace, which in its turn will enlighten
you to behold the luminous Splendour of God everywhere:
thus, you shall overcome the riddles of confusing
circumstances, triumph over undesirable happenings and
solve all the enigmas of perplexing situations, in life.
May you all move towards the Home of eternal Light, Wisdom
and Bliss and in this way fulfil the purpose of your
living on earth. May God bless you all to walk in the Way
of His Light. May His Grace descend upon you all most