
Thought for the Day:


Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati



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Speech by H.H. Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Saraswati,
President, Omkarananda Ashram,
during Navaratri Celebrations
in Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, 21st October 2012

As every year Navaratri is going on in a great spirit, joy and with much prayers and pujas. Every Navaratri symbolizes the victory of Good over evil, Light over darkness and Wisdom over ignorance. These types of festivals are of utmost importance. It is the time where we may go more deep into religious thinking and worshipping. It is a time where we more and more control our style of living and so on.

Since we are blessed by the Supreme Divinity to join such holy days, we should also look into ourselves; we should question ourselves in respect of our improvement regarding religious achievements. The whole life is a process of our spiritual development. We must utilize every moment. Unfortunately, valuable time is wasted, maybe in gossiping, politicizing or in any other entertainments, which keep our mind diverted from the true Reality. For a contented, happy and peaceful life Dharma is essential. Dharma makes us spiritually richer, brighter, protects us from dangerous evil and improves also our health.

In the Vedic system the sacred Fire-Ceremony, Yajna, is of foremost importance. It is a direct link to the Divinities, to the Devas. There are unmeasurable benefits for the sincere performer of Yajna. Not only the performer is benefited, but also those who are surrounding him. In moments of deep prayers and devotion, while performing Yajna, it is even possible that a particular Deity or Deva, who is worshipped, may appear. Such wonders have happened many times.

Immense care has to be taken in respect of inner and outer purity, while making the holy divine offerings. Fire itself is of the highest purity. The smoke from fragrant herbs of the Samagri and other offered items has an immense healing effect. While chanting the Mantras during the offerings, numerous invisible Deities are surrounding the place of worship.

Our Gurudev Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati has highly emphasized on worship through Yajna. 24 hours of Yajna were being conducted in the Ashram created in Switzerland and daily Yajnas are going on here in our Omkarananda-Shanta-Durga Mandir and Omkarananda-Kamakshi-Devi Mandir.

May Gurudev Swami Omkarananda's Blessings be always in your hearts, may He guide you on the stony path towards spiritual development in such a way, that soon all of you may enter the eternal Life.

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