
Thought for the Day:


Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati



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Speech by Swami Vishveshwarananda,
President, Omkarananda Ashram,
on the Occasion of Krishna Janmashtami Celebration,
in Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, on 10th August 2012

Among the greatest treasures of knowledge in the Vedic system are Krishna's Teachings to Arjuna - the Bhagavad Gita. It is a teaching, which is, was and will always be. They are the divine words revealed by an Avatara, who came, when things were not in right shape on this planet, and when living styles were highly questionable. He came to bring goodness and divine living into the hearts of the people.

Today, not only in India, but in many parts of the world, Lord Krishna's Birthday is celebrated with great joy, enthusiasm, with dancing, singing, chanting and with prayers and meditation.

The impact Lord Krishna left is enormous. Endless are the comments, stories and writings about His living, teachings and His love for humanity. Today Krishna undoubtedly is watching all His celebrations everywhere and I am sure He must appreciate it.

But what happens, when this birthday is over? Where will be our enthusiasm? Where are our prayers, our singing and chanting? Are we again caught up in our worldly life? Will we have the same old routine, the same difficulties and the same problems? Probably yes.

But all this can change, all this can improve, improve with the help of the Lord, Whose Birthday we are celebrating today. Repeat His name constantly with dedication, with a feeling of His Presence and see the results.

Thanks to the patience and enormous sacrifice of our Gurudev Swami Omkarananda, Who blessed us and initiated us into this great divine consciousness, made us understand the great Wisdom of Lord Krishna, as it is written down in the Bhagavad Gita!

The highest philosophical thoughts, the divine Wisdom, expressed by H.D. Swami Omkarananda, made it possible for us, not only to understand the highest Wisdom of Lord Krishna, but also to live a life accordingly, so that we finally realise Him.

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