
Thought for the Day:


Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati



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Omkarananda Institute of Management
& Technology (OIMT) Celebrates its
14th Foundation Day, on 7th September 2012

On 7th September 2012, Omkarananda Institute of Management and Technology (OIMT), situated in Omkarananda Nagar, Muni-ki-reti, was completing 13 years of its journey of academic excellence and entered in the next year, celebrating its 14th Foundation Day.

The celebration was jointly inaugurated by H.H. Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj, President, Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, and Honourable Mr. Subodh Uniyal, MLA, Narendranagar Constituency.

On the occasion of 14th Foundation Day of OIMT, students and staff members organized various cultural programs on the theme 'India is One'. The program started with the traditional lighting of Deepas by the honourable Chief Guest, Swami Vishveshwarananda, Kumari Somashekhari, General Secretary, Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, Dr. Aditya Gautam, Director OIMT, and Dr. Ashish Uniyal, Registrar Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun.

Swami Vishveshwarananda, President Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, and Kumari Somashekhari,
General Secretary, arrive for the 14th Foundation Day Celebration of OIMT
Shri M.S. Negi, President, welcomes honourable MLA, Shri Subodh Uniyal, in the office of OIMT.
OIMT Students, Lecturers and honourable Guests have assembled for the Celebrations.
Lighting of Deepas in front of the Altar by Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda and Shri Subodh Uniyal.

The cultural function on this occasion started with Saraswati Vandana by the students. After that the audience was shown the rich Heritage of the Indian Culture by different kinds of folk dances. Students also performed various skits focusing on various current issues prevailing presently in the society. The students from all the courses participated with full zeal and enthusiasm and performed various cultural activities.

It was the right occasion to honour those students, who showed outstanding performances in their studies and also those who scored highest attendance in the classes during their courses of study. Honourable Subodh Uniyal, Swami Vishveshwarananda, Kumari Somashekhari, M.S. Negi and Dr. Ashish Uniyal felicitated the Students by presenting them medals and certificates. The OIMT College Volleyball team was awarded for being the consecutive three years winner at University level.

From left to right: Dr. Ashish Uniyal, honourable Registrar of Uttarakhand Technical University, Shri Roshan Raturi,
Gram Pradhan, Dhalwala, and Shri Subodh Uniyal, MLA, along with Swami Vishveshwarananda.
Devi Vandana by Students of OIMT. Dr. Aditya Gautam, Director OIMT, welcomes the
honourable guests and highlights the progress of OIMT.
A colourful dance performance by OIMT girl-students.
Kumari Somashekhari thanked the Chief Guest for visiting OIMT. She also thanked the Director, Lecturers and Students of OIMT for maintaining a high-class discipline. A typical Garhwali Folk-Dance.
The Chief Guest, Shri Subodh Uniyal, Guest of Honour, Dr. Ashish Uniyal, and
Swami Vishveshwarananda are presenting Achievement Awards to Top-Students of OIMT.

In his speech the Director, Dr. Aditya Gautam, highlighted the progress of OIMT during the last Year. New changes had been made in respect of Library, Classrooms, Timings, etc. Interaction between Teachers and Students had been reorganised and the Computer section was upgraded to the latest Position.

Kumari Somashekhari was full of praise for the OIMT Director and his team and also for the students. She requested them to work very hard so that they may bring glory to their parents as well as to OIMT. She also appreciated the high-class discipline in the OIMT-Campus. She further said, that there is a great demand for qualified Managers since the working field needs more and more professionals. Finally a rousing clapping came from the students when Somashekhari ended her speech with a beautiful Garhwali Song.

Dr. Ashish Uniyal, Registrar, said, that the University is very satisfied with the academic performance of OIMT, and he wished the students all the success for a prosperous future.

Swami Vishveshwarananda, in his Vote of Thanks, expressed his Gratitude to Subodh Uniyal for accepting the invitation to the Institute. He praised Dr. Ashish Uniyal for all his valuable advice, given during the last year and also the dynamic OIMT Director, Dr. Aditya Gautam, for leading OIMT to new heights of excellence.

Swami Vishveshwaranandaji made it very clear to the Audience, that Swami Omkarananda has made greatest sacrifices to bring up the Institute to the level as it is now. He also emphasized, that education and spiritual values have to go hand in hand to make an ideal student.

Subodh Uniyalji praised Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati and his Successor, Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Saraswati, for the great social services in spreading education in this part of the Himalayas in a very exemplary way. He also requested the Students to work hard so that Garhwal can be proud of them.

Omkarananda Institute of Management and Technology's Students Himanshu Rawat, Deeksha Rajput, Ankita Chopra, Anjali Mehta, Mukesh Uniyal and Pooja Chawla were the Masters of Ceremony for this event.

At the end of the Programme delicious Prasadam was served to all the guests, staff and students.

Shri Subodh Uniyal praises the works of Paramahamsa
Omkarananda Saraswati and encourages all OIMT students
to work towards the aim of bringing Uttarakhand to
the educational forefront.
Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda appreciates Shri
Subodh Uniyal for his encouraging words and expresses
his Thanks to the OIMT Director, OIMT Lecturers, as well
as the OIMT Students, for their hard work.
Shri D.K. Varshney, Vice-President OIMT Management Committee, presents a Memento to Shri Roshan Raturi.
As a sign of Gratitude a Memento is presented to honourable Chief Guest, Shri Subodh Uniyal,
by Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda, Kumari Somashekhari and Dr. Aditya Gautam.
Shri Sukumar, Joint-Secretary OIMT Manangement Committee
hands over a Memento to Shri Manish Dimri.
Captain Tiwari receives a Memento from Shri I.D. Joshi,
Col. Sachdeva and Swami Vishveshwarananda.

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