
Thought for the Day:


Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati



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Master the Science of Consciousness

Humanity is a great master of the science of
Matter. The Kingdom of Heaven
will be established on earth, when
humanity becomes the master of the
science of Consciousness. Consciousness in
itself, as such, in its infinitude, is God.

The Empire within you is greater
than the Empire without.

Nothing outside you is so marvellous
as that which is within you.

A Sage is one who knows himself, knows the
highest divine Consciousness within himself,
and is supremely joyous, peaceful, powerful
in It. The ordinary man is supremely ignorant
of himself, and knows everything outside,
except himself; therefore, the unhappiness, the
misery, the forlornness of ordinary man.

Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati

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