
Thought for the Day:


Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati



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How to Love all Humanity?

Close your eyes for a half a minute,
and wish welfare for all humanity.

Generate loving and kind
thoughts for all beings.

Say: "May all be happy, may
none on earth be unhappy."

Say: "Peace to all corners of the
world, and to all beings."

Let there be no hatred of any kind
in your heart for anyone.

Wish victory to the forces of Goodness,
Truth, Love, Godliness, Justice, in the world;
and all those people, and those nations,
which embody these, will prosper.

This heart of all-inclusive Love,
extended by a few moments of silence,
prayer and contemplation, — this is
universal Love; this is the way to love
all beings, all over this vast world.

Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati

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