
Thought for the Day:


Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati



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H.H. Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Saraswati
as Chief Guest during Jnaneshwari Bhava-Katha,
conducted by H. H. Shri Swami Govinddev Giri
(Acharya Shri Kishorji Vyas) in Vanaprastha Ashram,
Swargashram, Rishikesh, on 28th July 2012

From 4th July 2012 to 2nd August 2012 a "Jnaneshwari Bhava-Katha" was conducted by H.H. Shri Govinddev Giriji (Acharya Shri Kishorji Vyas) in Vanaprastha Ashram, Swargashram, via Rishikesh.

The Katha took place in the Satsang-Hall of Vanaprastha Ashram, which is situated near the banks of holy river Ganga.

Shri Swami Govinddev Giri is a highly learned and saintly Vedic Scholar and a charismatic Katha-Vachak.

He is the Founder-President of the Vedic Centre "Maharshi Veda Vyas Pratishthan", at Alandi (Distt. Pune, Maharashtra), which was established by him with the sole aim to encourage proper studies and propagation of the Vedas. Thanks to Govinddevji's efforts this Institution could up to now provide grant to 50 Vedic Schools in 14 States of India and offer Scholarship to more than 2500 Vedic Students.

Kumari Somashekhari is greeting Shri Govinddev Giriji Maharaj.
Many devotees are inspired by Shri Govinddev Giri's Katha.

Shri Govinddev Giriji, being himself an outstanding Saint, has highest regards for Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, which is running and supporting many educational and spiritual Institutions. He therefore affectionately invited the President of Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, H.H. Shri Swami Vishveshwarananda Saraswati and his team to join the Jnaneshwari Bhava-Katha, on 28th July 2012.

Since Shri Govinddev Giriji has numerous followers from all over India and also abroad, the Satsang-Hall during his Jnaneshwari Bhava-Katha was fully occupied with a big crowd of devotees, listening attentively to Govinddevji's narration and explanation of "Jnaneshwari", the commentary on Bhagawad-Gita, written by the great Mystic and Poet-Saint Shri Jnaneshwar, who was born in the year 1275.

There are very few Saints and Scholars in India, who are able to throw light upon "Jnaneshwari"  in such a competent manner as H.H. Shri Swami Govinddev Giriji is able to do. The audience was totally absorbed in his brilliant Katha.

Swami Vishveshwarananda and Kumari Somashekhari enjoy the sound of holy Bhajans.

After some time Shri Govinddev Giriji interrupted his Jnaneshwari Bhava-Katha and started introducing Shri Swami Vishveshwaranandaji to the audience. In front of all Swami Govinddevji openly expressed his deep admiration for Swami Vishveshwaranandaji's divine personality and the great works in the field of education and spirituality, which Swami Vishveshwarananda and his team are doing with the Blessings of their Gurudev Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati even in the remotest areas of Garhwal Himalayas in Uttarakhand - and that uninterruptedly and faithfully since many decades.

After having extensively and very affectionately introduced Swami Vishveshwaranandaji to everybody, Shri Govinddev Giriji requested him to address all the devotees.

Mentioning vital points for attaining a blessed and spiritually fulfilled life, Swami Vishveshwar­ananda, in his speech, strongly emphasized the importance of having a spiritual Leader like H.H. Shri Swami Govinddev Giri. Every devotee, connected to this holy man, is touched by Divine Grace, Swamiji said.

Swami Vishveshwarananda addressing the audience

Swami Vishveshwaranandaji's lively, charming and thought-provoking words were applauded by the august audience with huge clapping.

Before concluding this beautiful and divine event with a special Arati and Prasad Distribution Shri Swami Govinddev Giri honoured Swami Vishveshwarananda and other Members of Omkarananda Ashram with Malas and Shawls.

In the end Swami Govinddevji explained to Swami Vishveshwar­ananda, Kumari Somashekhari and other Members of Omkarananda Ashram in detail about other spiritual programs which he is doing daily, additionally to the Katha, like conducting of special Yajnas, along with Ganesha, Shiva, Devi, Krishna and Hanuman Pujas, Abhishekas, Radha-Krishna Dolotsava (Jhula) Darshana (the beautiful sight of Radha and Krishna, sitting together on a nicely decorated Swing) and other spiritual programs.

All the Delegates of Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas were very impressed by Govinddev Giriji's divine works and his wonderful saintly and affectionate personality.

Shri Swami Govinddev Giri offers blessings to Swami Vishveshwarananda.
Kumari Somashekhari in happy conversation with Shri Govinddev Giri.

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