
Thought for the Day:


Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati



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"Everywhere is God!"

Video of Speech by H.D. Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati,
played for all Devotees and Guests, on 25th December 2012,
on the Occasion of Omkarananda Jayanti Celebrations,
in Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, Muni-ki-reti, Rishikesh, India

Everywhere is God! Everything is God! He is eternal! He is indestructible! He is all-perfect! He is all-beautiful! He is the Music of music! He is the Quintessence of Rhythm! The whole in creation is a splendid Dance of Divine Consciousness! There is nowhere in the Bible the concept of God as a Dancer. But the Swami is one, whose God is a Dancer, whose God is a Musician, Poet of poets, supreme Kavi, the supreme Poet! He is Beauty of beauties, Quintessence of all Joy! He is the Light of lights, internal Light, the Light of Consciousness, the external Light! He is the Light of every form and kind! He is boundless Light. His nature is Light. His nature is Joy. His nature is unlimited and eternal. A Swami is one, who is established in the Consciousness of himself as infinite Happiness, in all conditions. It may be terrifying outer conditions. You may cut my hand, my body will be bleeding, yet you will see no change on my face. Examine me in all conditions of life! A Swami is a Hero! He is the greatest adventurer, one who has conquered nature, one who is superior to all modes of nature! Time, space and circumstance have no influence on him. He is established in unconditioned Happiness, eternal Happiness, unending Happiness, undivided Happiness. His heart sings in this manner:

"Chidanand Chidanand Chidananda Hun,
Har Haal Men Har Mast Satchidananda Hun!" 1

This is the song of the Sannyasi. His heart is always singing that. He says, his heart says, his experience says - in summer's sun, in winter's cold, in the cold of the Himalayas, in the hot mid-summer sun in the deserts, in all situations, he is in Supreme Happiness - :

"Satchidanand Satchidanand Satchidananda Hun,
Har Haal Men Har Mast Satchidananda Hun!" 2

So says that man, haben Sie verstanden? 3

Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati

1 "In all conditions I am infinite Consciousness-Bliss!"
2 "In all conditions I am infinite Existence-Consciousness-Bliss!"
3 "Have you understood?"

Note: German-Translation by Prof. Eleonore Lauterborn, sitting next to Swami Omkarananda.
Note: This speech can be seen on the Website of Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas under the subject "Videos".

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